3 Most Important Questions to Ask Before Getting a Divorce

wife and husband doodles in divorce process concept broken relationshipsThe first few months or years of your marriage is usually filled with excitement. You and your partner could be looking forward to buying your first home or having a baby. But things start to change later on and before you know it, you find yourself arguing frequently with your partner. And one day, you wake up and realize that you’re no longer happy.

According to the American Psychological Association, about 40-50% of married couples in the US end up in divorce. Irreconcilable differences and falling out of love are just some of the reasons couples decide to split. If you’re in a difficult situation and thinking about divorce, don’t make an overnight decision. Remember that it takes days to process and evaluate because the decision will greatly affect you and your entire family.

The Burnham Law Firm, P.C. notes that one of the first things you should do is consult with divorce lawyers in Boulder. This way, you will know your rights and be familiar with the legal process. Once you’re clear with the legalities, ask yourself these questions before making a final decision:

Do you still love your partner?

Some people keep thinking that they still love their partner, but what they really feel is pity disguised as love. But if you feel genuine love for your partner, you may have to think twice before letting go because you can’t lose someone you deeply care about.

Are you getting a divorce out of spite?

If you want to cut the marriage just because of your pride or resentment, you better pull over and meditate. Give yourself time to heal before saying the final word.

Can you handle the consequences?

Just imagine being severed from a person whom you’ve been with for years. Your life will change and everything from your work to your sanity will be affected. It may be temporary, but ask yourself if it’ll be all worth it in the end.

Getting divorced is a big decision, which is why you need to be careful. Use all the help you can get to understand the situation and learn about your legal options.

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