Auto Accident: It’s Not My Fault! What Should I Do?

Men having a problem with their cars that crashedExperiencing a car accident could a harrowing and frightening thing regardless if it’s a fender bender or a more dangerous collision. It’s understandable to be upset and confused, especially if you know that it wasn’t your fault. But knowing what you should do in case it happens to you would help you deal with the incident more efficiently.

Steps to Take Following the Car Accident

Once you’ve checked yourself for any injuries, check if anyone else has been injured. Should anyone need medical help, call 911 immediately. Don’t talk about the incident with the other people involved because tempers might flare when everyone starts accusing everyone else. However, since you know that you’re not at fault, don’t just point it out to the liable party especially if there are significant injuries and damage involved.

In case there are substantial damage and injuries, it’s best to contact the police. While the court might not consider a police report admissible in a hearing, it would provide you sufficient leverage when you give your statement or when you file a personal injury claim, explains a prominent auto accident lawyer in Marysville. Next, you should take pictures of the scene and get relevant information such as names, contact information, insurance information, as well as year, model, and make of the other cars, from the other parties involved.

You’ll then need to call your insurance provider and tell them about the accident. Be as detailed as you can, and most importantly, say that it wasn’t your fault. Consider calling them with the police present since the police might help you reiterate your story better.

What You Shouldn’t Do

Never handle the auto accident without involving your insurance provider and/or your lawyer, particularly if you have substantial injuries. Even if the liable party admit that he or she is at fault and request that you don’t get your insurance providers involved, just don’t. Never make this mistake because you might lose the opportunity to file a claim later on if you settle with the liable party without getting relevant authorities involved.

The Author

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