Determining Child Support Payments

Child SupportTo effectively establish stable and consistent child support arrangements, the government mandates that states must use specific guidelines. While the specific guidelines differ from one state to another, below are the general factors considered when determining child support awards.

Income of Both Parents

The majority of state guidelines factor in both parents’ income. The amount of the parents’ combined income aids in determining the specific sum they may be mandated to deliver as child support. There are some states that factor in net income, while some states factor in gross income.


The court allows deductions for parents providing child support from a previous marriage. To qualify for deductions, the court should have ordered the parent to pay child support, and the parent must consistently be paying for it. However, a parent can’t make income deductions for supporting subsequent children or spouses.

Childcare Costs

Most states take into account the average amount a parent should spend on childcare costs. There are some states that will modify the allowable amount of these costs to factor in the federal Child Dependent Care Tax Credit.

Healthcare Costs

Provo child support attorneys from Buhler Thomas Law, P.C. say child support arrangements also state who must pay for a child’s health care insurance. The specific amount is added to the base child support arrangement and is credited to the parent paying for it.

Miscellaneous Expenses

The court may increase the basic child support arrangement to factor in other special expenses like the educational requirements of handicapped or special needs children. The court also considers visitation expenses. The non custodial parent receives the credit.

Other factors come into play when the court deliberates child support arrangements. Parents must ensure that the outcome is in the best interest of the child and will be beneficial and fair to everyone concerned.

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