The Questions You May Have About Paying Child Support

Child Support in DenverGoing through a divorce is a difficult process especially if you have children together. If you are obligated by the court to pay child support, then you should be responsible enough to do it consistently and on time. If not, the other parent can sue you.

Here are some common questions people who are paying child support have and the correct answers for them.

Will child support payments stop if I have a new relationship?

The quick answer is no, it will not. However, you can file for a child support modification based on the change. You just need to prove that there is a relevant change in your financial circumstances by presenting valuable documents in court. A trial may still happen for the judge to decide whether it qualifies or not.

Can I be prohibited to leave the country?

You can still leave the country if you’re required to pay child support if you have an arranged payment plan before your scheduled departure. Otherwise, you may be prohibited to leave the country. That’s why you need to make sure the payments are in place before you leave. This is the only way to avoid any legal process coming from your ex.

What qualifies for me to dispute the child support amount I owe?

If you want to lessen the child support amount you owe, you need to prove that there is a drastic change in your financial condition. This may be a long process, so you must be sure that your case is strong. It’s better to consult first with a credible Denver family law attorney to check your case. If it is good, then the lawyer can give you great legal advice on how to win the dispute.

These are just some of the most common questions parents that pay child support have. It’s still best to get legal advice from experienced lawyers to be sure about your case.

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