Who Should Be Liable for Truck Driver Injuries?

Truck Driver InjuriesA personal injury claim is a judicial case that you can file if you have been hurt in a disaster and it was someone else’s blunder. It is the legal means of receiving payment from the other party who was liable for your injury–typically their insurance firm. There are no upfront charges, and you spend nothing if your case does not succeed.

These days, those who plan to file for personal injury claims caused by a truck accident should consider legal representation since determining liability is not as straightforward as a regular car accident. The amount of your compensation depends on your injury or illness as well as its significance and impact on your life. When you file a claim through a legal firm, your assigned solicitor will evaluate each phase of your experience so that you can receive maximum compensation. Nevertheless, payment for the immediate pain and physical distress is merely one side of the story.

The state where you live will also be a factor for hiring a truck injury lawyer like William R. Rawlings & Associates. In Utah, for instance, it’s crucial that you consult with an attorney with extensive knowledge of the federal laws covering trucking incidents.

Finding Fault

The truck driver is usually the person to blame for an accident, but you can also sue the vehicle’s owner. A company that leased the car from the owner may also be liable. In case the accident happened because of faulty equipment, you can file a complaint against the manufacturer.

Personal injury and wrongful death claims from truck accidents have also increased in recent years. In 2017, more than 4,700 people died due to the truck collisions on U.S. road based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Given these numbers, a national survey revealed that most people are in favor of imposing speed limits for trucks.

Avoiding Fault

Another reason to hire a lawyer involves the defendant’s possible attempt to avoid liability. Be aware that companies might say that the driver is not their employee. A manufacturer can skirt responsibility for the accident if the truck has not been well maintained by the owner.

However, federal laws dictate that companies trucking permits will be responsible for all types of accidents involving their fleet of trucks. It will no longer matter if the driver is an independent contractor or employee, so make sure that your lawyer goes through these details.

In the end, legal counsel should be among your priorities when filing for trucking injury claims since it would entail a more complex approach than a common accident between two motorists. You will not have a good idea of your possible compensation until discussions have begun between your attorney and the other party’s insurance company. However, you can always consult a professional and use a compensation calculator. Doing so will give you a rough hint about what to anticipate. If you are not prepared to speak to a lawyer, you can try a claim checker.

The Author

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