Gabriela Rodriguez

Gabriela Rodriguez is a dedicated legal professional with expertise in real estate and family law. With a passion for helping homeowners, parents, and families navigate the legal landscape, she provides valuable insights and practical advice through her writing. Gabriela's deep understanding of legal complexities combined with her commitment to empowering individuals makes her a credible source of information in the legal field.

Working during the Industrial Revolution

What was it like to work during the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution occurred between the 18th and 19th centuries. Previously, most people’s livelihoods relied on agrarian production in rural areas; with the introduction of factory work and mass production, cities and towns expanded as the labour force left the countryside and searched for work in urban, industrial areas. In the UK before the revolution,

What was it like to work during the Industrial Revolution? Read More »

Major Issues Children Experience During a Divorce

Divorce isn’t easy for couples. It’s jarring to undertake proceedings that are essentially the end of something that started out beautifully. But if you think it couldn’t get any harder, a Nassau County divorce lawyer might tell you that it is significantly harder when there are kids involved. In addition, it’s more difficult when you’re

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LGBT Flag Waving

A State of Flux: Determining Child Custody for Same-sex Couples

Undergoing divorce proceedings is a stressful time for any couple, particularly for those with children. Child custody is a sensitive issue for any separating couple but presents unusual complications for same-sex couples.While same-sex marriage has been legally allowed throughout the US since 2015, there are still some legal gray areas in determining child custody for

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