Writing Your Paralegal Resume Right

Paralegal ResumeAfter finishing your extensive paralegal training, your key to getting an interview is a complete resume. It has to be expressive and impressive, strongly reflecting and selling your positive qualities. As one of many applicants, this is your only way to capture the interest of your prospective employer at first sight.

To write a good resume, here are the sections you must cover:

Basic Details

Your general information should definitely come first. Just like any resume, your name, address, and contact details must be at the top.

As you would be a part of the legal industry, you cannot get fancy with your style. Be sensitive with your typography to make your resume look formal, presentable, and legible.

Career Objective

It refers to your professional goals, letting your prospective employers know your very reason for applying. Be specific in the area of law you are interested in, and limit it to a single sentence.

Educational Background

As a fresh graduate with no real-world work experience, your academic history is the chief section of your resume. The level of education you attained and paralegal training make up for your lack of professional background in legal workplaces.

It’s a great opportunity to highlight your notable achievements as a student, along with the stature of your training center. Many applicants leverage on the sought-after, highly esteemed paralegal centers in America.


Write down all of your duties and responsibilities as an intern — from smallest to biggest. Also, indicate the organization you served if you participated in an Academic Learning Service program. Every ounce of experience that could improve your chances on getting the nod from employers counts.

Special Skills

Mention any unique ability you feel relevant to the position you are applying for. Are you well versed with basic computer applications? Are you familiar with the popular research tools? Are you proficient in foreign languages? Just think of anything you can do that others can’t to give you some edge over other applicants.

A well-constructed resume catches the eyes of the employers and gives you a positive first impression. Take time to polish it, make it free of error, narrow it to one page, and be invited for an interview in no time.

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